Getting the proper nutrients in the right amounts is crucial.

Carbohydrates, protein, and fat are examples of macronutrients, which your body needs in greater quantities. These give your body calories, or energy. Micronutrients, often known as vitamins and minerals, are nutrients that your body requires in smaller amounts.

You may also want to be aware of the potential consequences of consuming insufficient amounts of these crucial nutrients.

For instance, if you don't receive enough zinc, your nails will be thin and fragile. Similarly, dry skin is a sign that you need more vitamin A. If your skin problems persist, you may also need more vitamin B6.

Including color in your food is one approach to guarantee that you're getting the right nutrients. Put some red foods, like tomatoes, in your diet to maintain heart health, or obtain some orange foods, like carrots, for glowing skin.

Best to prioritize your health now, book a Food Intolerance Test to know more about your gut health.