The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on people’s mental health has been markedly observed on a global scale. In Canada, for example, one in five individuals reported experiencing distress over the past year. This statistic magnifies how the health crisis has adversely altered our perspective, causing worry and uncertainty about the future.
In this article, we’ll go over some tips on how you can build mental resilience and stay optimistic during these times. We’ll then discuss common reasons many people are feeling down during the pandemic
7 Tips to Build Your Mental Resilience
Tip #1: Have a consistent sleep schedule.
The pandemic has prompted an increase in sleeping problems among many. This, coupled with anxiety, is what experts call “coronasomnia.” To combat this, they emphasize the importance of improving one’s sleep schedule.
Taking a magnesium supplement can help promote restful sleep, as magnesium enables the production of melatonin hormone that calms the body and regulates the sleep cycle.
Tip #2: Practice daily self-reflection.
Self-reflection can spark insight, which can alter the way we see ourselves and those around us. Studies show that “turning inward” can strengthen our emotional intelligence, allowing us to cope with life’s challenges better.
Tip #3: Use your mental energy wisely.
Thinking about things you can’t control can drain you quickly. It may be a smart move to save your mental energy for productive tasks, such as setting goals or solving problems. And when your thoughts are not constructive, shifting your focus to encouraging topics can be helpful.
Taking vitamins – particularly zinc, Vitamin B, and magnesium – can also help improve your focus and mental clarity. Experts recommend maintaining healthy levels of these key nutrients for healthy brain function.
Tip #4: Exercise daily.
Physical movement (or lack thereof) can affect one’s state of mind. Exercise triggers the release of chemicals in your brain that improve your mood and make you more relaxed. Thus, being active not only promotes a healthy body but also helps you develop a resilient mind.
Together with exercise, you can try incorporating multivitamins, ascorbic acid, or other nutritional supplements in your diet. Sodium ascorbate zinc, in particular, can help strengthen your immune system and boost your body’s natural defense against damaging free radicals.
Tip #5: Connect with others.
Building connections with others can help remind you that you’re not alone. Psychologists note that talking to compassionate and trustworthy individuals who validate your feelings can help condition your disposition positively, helping you deal with the situation better.
Tip #6: Celebrate your successes and acknowledge your failures (but don’t dwell on them).
It’s a good habit to pat yourself on the back for each success. At the same time, it’s wise to reflect on your failures so that you can learn from them. After contemplation, strive to move on so you won’t paralyze yourself with self-doubt.
Tip #7: Maintain a hopeful outlook.
Studies suggest that being positive can protect you against stress, helping boost your mental health. In this respect, visualization can be a useful technique, as it helps reduce sadness by improving one’s self-esteem.
Why You May Be Feeling the Covid Blues
Disclaimer: If you suspect you might be undergoing depression or some other medical condition, it may be a good idea to seek professional advice. A licensed mental health professional can assist you in developing an appropriate strategy for moving forward and building your mental resilience.
1. You’re spending too much time on social media.
A recent survey has revealed that Filipinos are still the top social media users in the world. During the onslaught of the COVID-19 pandemic last year, another study found that most of us devoted more than two hours each day searching for information about the disease.
Yet spending too much time in these echo chambers can cause one to feel even more down. Research suggests that taking a break from social media or limiting daily usage can help lessen anxiety.
2. You have less communication with friends and relatives.
Personal interaction is crucial to boosting one’s mental health. One study concluded that it positively impacts the overall mood. However, human communication has been significantly decreased as social distancing protocols were put in place. That said, physical distancing doesn’t mean we should be emotionally or socially distant as well.
Using video calling apps like Zoom is one way to combat the feeling of isolation triggered by social distancing measures. It may help to keep in touch with your loved ones and check on them. Share with them how your day was or talk to them about random things as you normally would if you were communicating in person.
3. You may be moving and eating less nutritious foods.
Being active induces the production of chemicals in your brain that make you feel good. As such, doing a simple 15-minute exercise daily can keep your energy and enthusiasm going. Also, eating a healthy and balanced diet is crucial for brain development. Experts note that certain nutrients and dietary patterns facilitate changes in the brain, helping increase cognition and stabilize mood.
4. You may be having trouble sleeping.
Having difficulty with sleeping during an anxiety-inducing time like this is normal, according to experts. That’s why they encourage creating a routine schedule and sticking to it. This way, your body can have a sense of normalcy, recognizing when it’s time for activity and when it’s downtime.
5. You may be withdrawing from the things you used to enjoy.
Because of COVID-19 restrictions, we are limited on the many things we used to enjoy doing. One approach that may help you deal with all the frustration is to pick up a hobby. This can help direct your attention to doing productive activities, taking your focus away from idle thinking and worrying.
Be kind to yourself
The COVID-19 pandemic may have induced anxiety among many of us, but there are steps we can take to build our mental resilience and stay hopeful. One important thing to remember is that being kind to yourself is a powerful weapon that can shield you against frustration, uncertainty, and fear.
Browse our online shop for COVID-19 essentials and self-care products such as multivitamins that are available in the Philippines.